Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New iPod Touch "Fake Tweak" Discovered!

You may remember from previous posts what a "fake tweak" is. If not, let's recap: a "fake tweak" is not really a tweak say, from jailbreaking, but a trick that you can either get through an app (Such as changing the icon skins or video lock screens), or you can do it by changing your iPod's settings (whcih requires no jailbreaking, is completely legal, will not affect you Ipod's startup time or battery life, and will not void your warranty.) So basically, they're just little tips and tricks that few people know about. Well, today I was playing around with my iPod. You may recall the "Lightning" trick from earlier, where you can make your ipod the opposite color? Well, I took it a step further,a dn now you can toggle this affect by pressing the "Home" button 3 times really fast. It's called "Triple Click Home." So instantly, you can change the colors and back again without opening "Settings" and having to repeat the process!
All you need to do is go to Settings> General > Invert Colors (if you have iOS 6; if not, it will be called "Black on White.") Slide the button from Off to On, which should instantly mkae everything the opposite color. But wait--we're not done yet! Now scroll down a bit, and you'll see a section that says "Triple Click Home." Tap it, and make sure it's set on "Invert Colors" or "Black on White." Noe exit Settings, and test it by clicking the "Home" button 3 times super fast. (To clarify, the "Home" button is the circle button on the front of your iPod.) The colors should change. MAGIC!!!! And the best part is, it totally looks like it could be a jailbreak tweak!

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