1. Let's say you have a science project due in a few days. Each of the below methods will give you an A on your project. Which one do you choose?
a. Make your project big, so it stands out.
b. Make your project complex and full of details.
c. Make your project colorful.
d. Make your project small and simple, with a splash of color.
2. You're at a restaurant. Which of these items would you order?
a. a big hunk of steak
b. a dish with many samples from around the world
c. a salad
d. a small sandwhich
3. You have $25 to spend. You'll buy....
a. one item worth the full $25
b. a bunch of small items that add up to $25
c. 2 or 3 items that add up to $25
d. You'd buy one small item, and save the rest of the money
4. You're at the mall. You're going to.....
a. a store with lots of expensive, deisgner clothes.
b. a department store
c. a store that only sells accessories
d. the food court
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Mostly A's: You'd make a good iPod Classic. You like everything in one place, and nothing too complex.
Mostly B's: You'd make a good iPod Touch. You like it all, and you like challenges and complexities.
Mostly C's: You'd make a good iPod Nano. You like things a little bit complex, but when things get too challenging, you lose interest.
Moslty D's: You'd make a good iPod Shuffle. You like things simple. You like to stick to the norm, and tend to dislike trying new things.
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